Create stunning video tutorials, product demos, and more with FocuSee

Chinwe Uzegbu
5 min readOct 28, 2023


If, like me, you’ve been considering creating tutorial videos but have been deterred by the effort required to edit them, allow me to introduce you to FocuSee.

FocuSee landing page (screenshot by author)

Being a designer and writer who is always seeking new ways to share my knowledge, I’ve had my eye on creating video tutorials for quite some time. But my non-existent video editing skills have made it nothing more than wishful thinking.

Recently, I discovered FocuSee, a tool that is about to change that narrative forever. With FocuSee, you can create professional-looking videos with literally zero editing skills.

Having tried out this product and seen the immense potential it holds, I’ve put together this review so you can see just how FocuSee can benefit you.

But first, what is FocuSee?

FocuSee is a screen recording software by Gemoo that prioritizes content over intricate video editing details. It effectively streamlines the video editing process to just a few button clicks, making it an excellent tool not only for content creators but also for collaborative design projects with tight deadlines.

How does FocuSee work?

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FocuSee offers three screen recording modes. You can capture the entire screen, record a specific portion, or even a single window. It also gives you the option of recording audio and your webcam simultaneously.

Once you’ve finished recording your video, an automatic zooming-in effect will be applied. You can also do some basic editing, such as trimming, adjusting playback speed, and highlighting specific parts of your video.

After editing, you can export your video as a GIF or MP4 format. Alternatively, you can upload it to the cloud and share it with others using a unique link.

Why should you try FocuSee?

At first glance, FocuSee might look like just another screen recording software. But it’s much more than that. A quick exploration of its innovative features will show you that this software is in a league of its own.

Let’s zoom in on some of these features, shall we?

Dynamic zoom

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The days of watching video tutorials to understand how to zoom on video recording platforms are over. FocuSee automatically tracks your cursor and zooms in when you hover it around small objects or text. But that’s not all. You can also edit specific portions of the video and apply zoom effects. Select the timeframe you wish to zoom in on and zoom away. It’s that easy.

Spotlight feature

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This functionality is great for when you want to emphasize a specific part of the screen and direct viewers’ attention to it. To apply this feature, click the spotlight icon in the video control toolbar under your recording. Select the area you want to highlight by adjusting the frame, then click “Apply” on the left side of the screen.

Customizable cursor

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You can customize your cursor with various animated effects to make your tutorials easy to follow. From the ripple to the fireworks effect, you can keep your viewers following every step of your tutorial without losing track of what’s important.

Adjustable camera

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Here’s another feature I found quite useful. FocuSee allows you to adjust your camera to boxed or rounded corners to suit your preference. And that’s not all it lets you do. You can also choose from various filters. This feature came in handy for me, allowing me to enhance my camera’s image quality even when I was recording in low light.

Background selection option

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In my opinion, one of FocuSee’s standout attributes is the option to choose from a variety of visually appealing backgrounds. This easily accessible feature will save you hours of delving into the intricacies of video editing, leaving you with more time to focus on your content.

No post-production editing needed

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With standout features like dynamic zoom, which tracks your cursor to highlight specific elements, and the ability to create high-definition videos in the perfect aspect ratio for your preferred social media platform, you can share your videos once you’ve finished recording.


FocuSee excels in optimization. It’s supported and operates smoothly on Windows and Mac OS without overloading your system resources. While recording, I observed exceptional stability across all the systems I tested the application on.


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FocuSee offers a variety of one-off payment packages:

  1. 1-Computer plan: This plan offers you all of FocuSee’s functionalities on one computer for a one-off price of $69.99. This package is ideal for home users.
  2. 2-Computer plan: With this plan, you get all FocuSee’s functionalities on two computers for $95.99. This package is perfect for those who use multiple gadgets at once.
  3. 5-Computer plan: Purchasing this plan gives you access to FocuSee’s functionalities on five computers for $179.99. This plan is ideal for bigger groups or corporations.

And if you’re not ready for a lifetime commitment, there’s still something for you. FocuSee offers a 30-day trial offer for only $19.99. This low-cost option allows you to test the software and decide if it’s right for you before making any significant financial commitment.

Wrapping up

As you might have already noticed, FocuSee is a versatile and affordable tool with as many possibilities as your creativity allows. From tutorial videos to product demos, presentations, and briefings, the possibilities are endless. FocuSee’s ability to effortlessly generate professional-quality videos makes it a great tool to have in your tool stack. But don’t just take my word for it. Try it and see for yourself. Download it now for free!



Chinwe Uzegbu

UX Writer/Designer. I geek out on UX concepts, so you don't have to. Reach me:📩